Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Value of Christianity to Society

The Western World is abandoning Christianity and its antecedent Judaism. The image of this activity can be likened to a man who while climbing up a mountain face, chooses to abandon his safety rope so he can free climb to the top of the cliff. The predicament he's in is the level of expertise required to safely climb the cliff face he is on far exceeds his capacity as a climber. Yet, because he feels the rope is too confining, he disconnects himself from the rope to experience the true freedom of being out there on the mountain face. He regards the rope with disdain and anger because it is to old fashioned and constraining and out of sync with his enlightened view of things.

But all to soon, he'll lose his footing and fall. Oblivious to the waiting rocks beneath him, he'll continue to hold in derision those he falls past and tell them what fools they are for their old fashioned beliefs. Only at the last moment, when death is upon him will he see his folly, but it will be everlastingly to late.

As a society, if we don't return to our roots and values, like that climber we'll be caught up in catastrophe. We must work to convince others to grab on to the safety line. For if we can get enough individuals to hang on, society will hang on too.

For this parable applies to not only our society but us as individuals. The sad fact is that those who let go of their faith are the ones who'll be destroyed by the rocks they fall upon. Those who survive will be the ones who don't let go but cling to the rope for their lives. That doesn't mean our faith will save us if catastrophe comes to our society, it does mean that when it comes, those who never let go will be the only ones strong enough to survive.

I don't know about you, but I'd rather not fall. Nor do I want society to fall. America is the best place in the world to live. The principles of Judeo-Christianity have made it that way. I want it to continue...

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